Walking a Weight Loss
is something that we all do every day but most people don't look at walking as a legitimate way to lose weight burn fat and maintain a healthy weight and I used to think the same way after all a walk in the park by definition is something that sounds very easy and usually when we picture someone doing whatever it takes to lose weight we don't imagine somebody walking instead we usually picture someone running as hard as they can on the treadmill covered in sweat but the truth is that walking consistently throughout the week can make a big difference in how you look and how you feel this is especially true if you're currently not exercising and you can't seem to find the motivation to start working out since most people are under valuing the benefits that walking can have.
Every day
and I'm sure that the first thing that you're wondering is can doing something as simple as walking actually help you lose and if you walk either at a faster pace or for longer distances or you walk very often like everyday in all these cases you'll be adding a good amount of extra calories to your deficit now most of you have heard of the saying that you can't outrun a bad diet so you're probably thinking that it's very unlikely that you'll be out walking a bad diet any time soon at all exercise happens to be just as important specifically for long-term success and when people say things like 80% of your results come from diet it devalues the powerful effects that consistent exercise brings to the table the reason why people think this way to begin with is because of a lot of the studies that compare the effects that diet and exercise have on weight loss end up coming to the conclusion that dieting alone usually results in more weight loss than just exercising alone but after reviewing a bunch of these studies researchers realized that the calories burnt from diet and exercise were not matched in most of these studies sometimes the diet only group would be cutting away 1,700 calories per day and that would be compared to an exercise only group that will only burning 200 extra calories per day obviously with a flawed setup like that the diet group will always come out on top but researchers found out that when calories are actually matched weight losses matched and by finding this they were able to conclude that exercise alone without any form of diet restriction can be an effective strategy for losing weight again even though you won't be out walking a horrible diet as long as.

I do want to mention that if you happen to be overweight walking is gonna be very beneficial for you but over time you will have to do more to continue seeing progress by eating a well-balanced diet and by adding in three weight training sessions per week you can be guaranteed to see some pretty impressive results much faster you'll lose a lot more body fat as long as you have a diet that incorporates healthy foods while giving you the right amount of calories and lowering your insulin levels if you're serious about making a transformation and you want to take the next step and try a done-for-you approach that requires no trial and error on your part try my 6-week challenge which on average has my clients losing either 20 pounds or 5% of their body fat in only six weeks you get a customized diet plan a 42-day workout plan a recipe book a full video exercise library and much more including an accountability coach that'll be assigned to check in with you every single week to help answer questions and guide you through the entire process the challenge is free but there is a catch the big catch is that this cannot be another program that you hang on your fridge and forget about you have to actually take action and make the necessary changes to get the results that you're after
as long as you don't cheat and as long as you don't quit for six weeks not only will you lose 20 pounds or 5% of your body fat but you'll also get the entire challenge for free this is exactly why our program has such a high success rate by putting skin in the game when the going gets rough and you might feel like you want to give up the structure of our challenge gets you to continue pushing forward to find out more you can click the link below for the six-week challenge in the description or you can visit my website directly at gravity transformation calm.
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